Sleep Comfortably with Wool Bedding

For better or for worse, the infamous commitment that couples make to each other when they decide to tie the knot. This commitment is not to be taken lightly. When you say these words, you are vowing to be with someone at their worst moments. However, when you make...

Wool vs. Other Bedding Products

How many times have you gone out to buy a new bed set? You’ve looked at the colors and patterns on sheets and comforters, found pillows to match, and even made sure that that “perfect” bedding has as much cotton in it as possible so that it breathes easier. But when...

Wool Bedding Enhancements

Are you in the middle of a complete bedroom remodel? Chances are that you plan to upgrade your flooring, storage, furniture, paint, and even your bathroom. There is one part of the bedroom that often gets overlooked during a remodel, and that is your bed! What good is...