Natural Sleep ImprovementThe National Sleep Foundation recently conducted a study and found that roughly 57% of adult Americans experience pain during sleep. That statistic is mindboggling to many because sleep issues often times get brushed under the rug and blamed on other things like stress. What we need to realize is that the lack of sleep that these individuals experience can have negative effects on other parts of their life such as their mood, work habits, relationships and even long term health. If you fall within the category of experiencing painful sleep, Cuddle Ewe™ and our dedicated staff are ready to help you achieve pain free sleep through our wool bedding products!

Focus on Wool

Our experienced team of bedding professionals utilize wool within all of our products. This is not your everyday wool, either. Cuddle Ewe™ gets its wool from the Cheviot Hills between Scotland and England. Our eagerness to utilize wool from this part of the world is because it is one of the softest and longest lasting wool’s in the world. Other benefits you can experience by sleeping on the Cuddle Ewe™ wool bedding products include:

  • High Quality Support – Lacking support from your bedding can attribute to some of the pain you are experiencing. We put a strong emphasis on ensuring that our products offer better support than the other bedding products in the market.
  • Great Body Weight Distribution – Evenly transferring body weight can make a big difference with reducing pain during sleep because it takes away the pressure around tender areas of the body.
  • Excellent Insulator – The Cuddle Ewe™ bedding products help keep your body temperature regulated throughout the night so you can minimize the unnecessary wake time when you wake up cold or hot.
  • Healing Mechanism – Sleeping on wool can be just what you need if you are suffering from chronic pain such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. Our comforting products can help you fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer.

Our Available Wool Products

Stop searching for the cheapest bedding products on the market. They are not going to provide you the necessary comfort and support to achieve healthy sleep. Instead, make a commitment to trying high quality wool bedding materials from Cuddle Ewe™. Our wool products include:

Take control of your sleep by teaming up with Cuddle Ewe™ today. Order online or give us a call at 800-290-9199 to learn more about how you can achieve pain free sleep with our wool bedding products.
