Quality Wool PillowsWhen you go to sleep at night, are you comfortable with where you lay your head. Do you consistently wake up with a stiff neck or experience unwanted pain after a night’s sleep? Are you struggling to get a full night’s rest without interruption? One part of your bedding that may be contributing to your aches and lack of beneficial sleep is your pillow. It is often tempting to purchase a cheap pillow to cut costs, but these bottom of the line pillows offer minimal benefits to your body and sleep patterns. Let 2016 be the year that you commit to investing in a pillow that is not only extremely comfortable, but also helps you wake up pain free the next day. At Cuddle Ewe™, we offer a variety of pillows that can change the way you sleep at night, thanks to the use of Cheviot wool.

Pillow Options

  • Natural Sleep Pillow – If you are someone that spends most of the night sleeping on your side rather than your back, this is the pillow for you. This pillow is designed to support your entire back and neck, helping to reduce pain in these areas. By taking excess weight from your head off of your neck, you’ll be able to say goodbye to those constant cricks in your neck that you’ve been waking up to. This unique pillow is offered in small, medium or large, depending on your preference.
  • Soft Wool Pillow – Some people prefer to sleep on a softer pillow. If you fall into this category, consider trying a soft wool pillow from Cuddle Ewe™. This pillow is very soft, extremely breathable, and is still able to provide the necessary support that your head needs at night.
  • Wool Body Pillow – By combining wool and latex foam for extra support, our wool body pillows are one of a kind. This unique pillow conforms to your body, helping to spread body weight evenly across your body. We offer this type of pillow in a small or standard size.
  • Wool Bolster Pillow – If you’ve never tried a bolster pillow, you’re missing out. Not only do we offer a bolster pillow to our customers, but this all natural wool product is designed to give your neck and head that extra support it’s been missing.
  • Wool Knop Pillow – This wool pillow is not only comfortable, but it’s adjustable! Bend or adjust this pillow to fit your sleeping needs.

Don’t cut corners with your pillow when it comes to getting good sleep at night. By teaming up with Cuddle Ewe™ and trying one of our diverse pillows, you’ll not only get a better night’s rest, but you’ll also experience a relief from uncomfortable body aches as well. To learn more about our unique wool pillow options, visit www.cuddleewe.com or call us toll free at (800) 290-9199.
