Are you spending too many restless nights tossing and turning in bed to find just the right position or just the right spot on your mattress? Have you realized that you’re waking up from your night of “rest” only to be in more pain than you were before you went to bed? When you’ve had enough of waking up and being even more tired and achy than you were the night before, then it’s time to make a change. Organic wool mattress pads by Cuddle Ewe™ will transform your nights so that your sleep is peaceful and restorative, like it’s meant to be.

Organic Wool Mattress Pads Provide Natural Pain Relief Management

One of the many popular benefits of our wool mattress pads is the natural pain relief management and comfort they provide for those who experience chronic pain due to conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. The unique wool we use at  Cuddle Ewe™ provides support so that your pressure points aren’t working all night long to support your body. Your body is able to actually relax throughout the night without having to toss and turn to relieve discomfort. As your body works less to relieve your pain, you benefit from longer hours of luxurious, deeper sleep.

Fall Asleep Sooner With Our Natural Wool Mattress Pad

As our Cuddle Ewe™organic Cheviot wool mattress pad cushions your entire body and yields to the various contours of your body, you’ll experience luxurious cradled comfort like never before. You’ll actually feel lighter as our organic Cheviot wool mattress pad supports you so that your contact points like your hips and shoulders aren’t supporting the majority of your body’s weight. Be ready to experience drifting off to sleep sooner than ever before and moving much less during the night thanks to our comfortable Cuddle Ewe™ wool mattress topper.

Give Your Mattress An Affordable Face Lift

If your new mattress hasn’t followed through with the comfort it promised, or if the lumps and bumps of your worn mattress are causing you restless nights, it may be time to focus on correcting the problems with your mattress. The Cuddle Ewe™wool mattress topper is an affordable way to transform any mattress into a comfortable, luxurious bed that offers a truly relaxing night of sleep.

Learn About Our Wool Mattress Pad

You’ll enjoy the Cuddle Ewe™ bedding not only for the natural, breathable comfort it provides, but also for the never-ending softness and restful nights you’ll experience. Call us today at 1-800-290-9199 to place an order, or to learn more about our other products.
